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Dirty Black Summer Chapter 2

" my friend my friend Summer," I made the introductions.

For a couple of seconds it appeared someone had pulled Summer's plug as she stared with gawking paralysis at Trina. It took a couple of tries before Summer was finally able to extend her hand, which Trina politely shook then smiled a genuine smile back at the breathless black woman standing in front of her. I imagined Trina had grown quite accustomed to those types of reactions when meeting someone for the first time over the years, even the first time I had the pleasure to meet her, but she always seemed to handle the awkward situation with political aplomb.

It had been a little over a year since I'd first encountered Trina Stevens. I'd been hired by a woman, in much the similar situation as Summer, who had an inkling her Husband was cheating, and was ready to ask for a divorce. The long strands of blonde hair and lipstick on the man's business shirts had been the woman's first clue, and after I hired one of my PIs the tail the man for a few days, it didn't take long to nail him to the wall. The thing that came to a shock by everyone involved, most notably his Wife, was that the guy wasn't having an affair with a woman per se, but a transgendered individual by the name of, you guessed it, Trina.

Needless to say, the Wife in the case could have asked for the Moon and got it from her soon to be EX (and she did), in return for us not making the particulars of his affair public knowledge.

I made it a point to apologize to Trina for dragging her into the entire fiasco and found her to be a very sweet and intelligent person. Being a divorce lawyer, the businessman in me also saw the potential opportunity in having someone of Trina's talents, who was plugged into the area's nightlife, in case I ever needed her expertise or services on future cases.

Turning my gaze back to Summer as she continued to subtly try sizing Trina up, I chuckled to myself seeing the barely five foot tall black woman crane her neck up and down as she stared at the six foot plus tall in high heels, Amazon-like Goddess smiling back at her.

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