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My Erotic Crucifixion

The Bastard goes over us, to our freed hands, two guards, grab us, position, our wrists, then hammer down the spike, through our wrists, into the wood! I wiggle my sex into him, out of shear painful reflex!

We both are breathing heavy, our blood mingling about our wrists!

Then the Bastards do the unthinkable! They raise us to sink the cross in a hole?

I'm face to face with this man, I tell him to be brave as they settle us in our designated hole....
The Jerk, when dumped! Immense PAIN!!

Now I'm nose to nose with my friend, we're both nailed, hand to hand. Trying to breathe heavily.

Suddenly I feel hands playing with my feet? My feet/legs are splayed, my partners sex against mine, I sense they are doing the same to him. Then they take our loose feet, position them for the nails, mine atop his!
I like the sensation but one is put sideways, upon his foot and another nail is driven!!!!!!!!! We BOTH scream!
Can't I die?

He screams as well, as my foot is upon his! We are wed locked together, with the wood!
I briefly think how nice his bare foot feels before the spike is driven home, and I pass out from the pain! I winced at the insertion! He said: "I'm sorry; I didn't want it to be like this." I said I know, not your fault. He couldn't help the sensation I was giving him, and went in and out, the added exertion, plus not being able to breathe properly, made me pass out momentarily.

When I awoke, we are face to face, both trying to breathe air....
Good spectacle for the "rubes" I mutter, he says huh?

Here we are, nailed face to face together for other’s amusement, and he says "huh"?

The pain was IMMENSE! Him atop me vertically didn't allow much room to breathe....after hanging a while, I could sense he was aroused....The attending executioners where waiting for it. They said: Kiss him now, if you can BITCH! and they inserted him into me! It hurt, at first, but with the sweat drooling down my back, into my butt cheeks, I was pretty well lubed….

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