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Permanent For Life

Ms. Merrill replied,”I do sympathize with you young man, but
all of my operators wear their hair in certain styles to
promote current trends in hair fashion. None of them are in
need of a permanent wave at this time.”——–”But wait if
you are really as desperate as you say, why not let us give
you the permanent?”—-

“Me” I gulped, “But I’m sure they want it to be a woman.”–

“Young man, with the proper clothes and a little makeup no
one would know the difference. Besides, that is the only
solution for your problem that I can offer.”

“But who would take the pictures” I offered weakly.

” I am sure you could show us how to operate your camera, it
doesn’t look too complicated. But make up your mind, we will
have to start soon as it will take several hours to complete
this little project, and it is almost 2 o’clock now.” Ms.
Merrill replied.

“Do you really think it would work? — what can I do with
my hair after you finish? — I mean can you put me back
like I am?” I nervously stammered.

“Yes” she laughed “it will work and if you don’t like the
way you look when we finish we can always straighten your

Now if you will just go with Janice she will help you change
clothes and appearance so we can get started on our little

Janice, the operator who had just walked up conferred a few
moments with Ms. Merrill, then took me by the hand and led me
toward the rear of the establishment. Janice opened the door to
what appeared to be a dressing and bathroom area.

“Take off all of your clothes and I will obtain an outfit
for you” she instructed.

“All of them?”

“Yes all of them, you must wear the proper foundation
garments if you are to present a realistic appearance.”

When I had finished stripping, Janice measured my chest,
waist, and hips and asked what size shoes I wore. She then
entered a large walk in closet and returned with several items.

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