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Quid Pro Quo Chapter 1

Still straddling Paul's lap, Isabella sensed his sudden shock. "I understand if you're uncomfortable about this, Paul, and if you want to back out, I understand," she reached down to his crotch, and grabbed Paul's throbbing penis through the cloth of his pants, "but... something tells me that you're going to be here tonight at eight." With a playful squeeze of his penis, she slowly lifted herself off of Paul's lap, and wordlessly walked back through the open French doors to her house.

Paul must have sat in that chair for ten minutes before he could manage to stand, but eventually he rose, and in a strange daze, he made his way back to his own house. The thoughts that channeled through his mind were things that he had never questioned before; he had never considered himself to be bi-sexual and he had never thought of another man in a sexual sense. Despite all of his uneasiness, Paul couldn't escape his desire to be with Isabella. He knew that he would be there at eight.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Paul thought as he knocked on his neighbor's door. Moments later Isabella opened the door, wearing an impossibly short black mini skirt and a tight fitting low-cut top. She beamed as she welcomed Paul in, "So you've decided that you're interested?" Paul paused for a moment, and then nodded affirmatively.

Isabella jumped up and hugged him, planting an enormous kiss on his surprised face. Retreating briefly, she began to speak, "Paul, I'm afraid I haven't been entirely honest about what this deal entails. Charles is very specific about what he wants from a girl, and so we have a lot of work to do before he gets home." Paul's mind jumped at the word "girl," but still he followed the entrancing sway of Isabella's hip up the stairs, watching as her short skirt rose to reveal the tops of her seamed stockings. They made their way to the master bedroom, and Isabella playfully pushed Paul down on the bed. Straddling across his lap once again, she kissed him with sudden passion and pulled his shirt over his head.

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