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Spy Girl

Patrinkov finally broke eye contact and looked down to where a big part of her body was disappearing into him. The way she moved only her hips was so sexy! She was so beautiful and in such control that his mind was spinning. He found himself straining to reach one of her bouncing nipples but she would only bring it close enough to tease him, not actually touch it. Vicki grabbed her breast and pulled her nipple close to her mouth and licked it with her tongue. She let out a loud moan and grabbed Patrinkov by the hair, pulling his head up so she could look into his eyes again. With her other hand pinching her nipple she shoved her entire cock all the way into his ass, and while she looked into his eyes her cock erupted deep inside him. As soon as she started cuming Patrinkov couldn't help himself and his cock exploded all over his own stomach.

Vicki stood still with her cock buried in his ass and watched his face as the familiar amazed look began to form on it. Patrinkov could feel a warm sensation radiating out from the spot in his body where her cum was. The warmth spread slowly up his torso and down his arms and legs. He could feel his body, but it wouldn't respond for him. As the warmth crept up his neck he began to panic, tossing his head from side to side.
Vicki said, "Don't get so excited, you're not going to die, but you won't be quite the same after this is all over." Patrinkov's struggles slowed and he looked into her eyes as his brain caught on fire, then everything went black.

As Patrinkov slowly rose up though the darkness he became aware of the sounds of someone packing. He opened his eyes to find himself in a dingy little apartment, lying on a bed. There was a beautiful dishwater blonde woman taking apart some type of machine and packing it in a large black case. He knew he should know her name but couldn't quite remember it. She looked over at him and realized he was awake, so she stepped over to the bed and said.

"I see you are awake now. That is good timing, because I have to move my interrogation machine out to the rental van and you're going to help Ivan."

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